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A Scent of Paris – The New Musée du Parfum

Le Grand Musee du Parfum logo. We were very curious to see just how they could create a museum from such an esoteric subject as perfume.  It also had the potential to be qui…

Shop ’til You Drop at the Paris Sales!

Les Soldes en Paris.  If, like me, you love to shop, especially if there is the lure of snaring a great bargain,  I’ve got some very useful tips to help you make the most of…

Your Paris SALES Battle Plan

Happy luxury fashion sale shopper.  To make the most of your sales shopping, you need to plan your strategy like a military operation. Paris offers so much more than the Bi…

In the Footsteps of Julia Child

In France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport. (Julia Child) Cooks’ heaven – E. Dehillerin.  When one of the great American cooks, Julia Child, first set…