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‘Don Quixote’: a perfect, festive season ballet in Paris

Program for ‘Don Quixote’ Opera Bastille.  In Paris during the Christmas/New Year season, we were thrilled to see the latest revival of this much-loved ballet at Opera Bastille…

A Touch of Paris Arrives in Sydney

‘A Mon Seul Desir’ On Sunday evening we attended the members’ free viewing of the ‘Lady and the Unicorn’ series of tapestries on loan from the Musée de Cluny in Paris to the Ar…

The Big Affordable Art Fair in Paris

Poster for Le Grand Salon d’Art Abordable 2018.  If you could suddenly transport yourself to Paris in a few weeks, you would be in time to catch a most interesting fair, or…

Discover the charming Musée de Montmartre

Musee de Montmartre-Jardins Renoir.  We had been vaguely aware of a museum on la butte (hill) de Montmartre dedicated to the area, but somehow it had eluded us. Not so lo…